Susan Leisure Gordon Estate Auction
Large Furniture Offering-Lots of Collectibles & Primitives-Roseville-St. Clair-Fenton-Small Appliances-Military Uniforms-Fairmount, Elwood, Summitville, Ft. Wayne Memorabilia-'60s Girls Sr. Cords-Lots of JD, Tonka, Other Toys-Jewelry-Tools-Misc
Susan Leisure Gordon Estate
Lots of antique furniture; church pew; wood spoke wagon wheels; old wall telephone; 78’s; lots of furniture including tables, chairs, bedroom suites, chests, dressers; hall trees; cedar chests, occasional chairs, love seat; recliners; small appliances; Pyrex; Longaberger; Amana washer & dryer; gas range & upper microwave; silverware; man’s diamond 14K ring; lots of primitives, collectible antiques; John Deere toy tractors & implements, Tonka, Hubley, Structo, Fisher Price, Nylint & lots of other collectible toys; Johnny Lightning 500 Indy race track; Rock’em Sock’em robots; Sea Fury ship w/dolls & pcs.; programmable music horn; Star Trek Galpleo 7 Shuttlecraft model; basketball & soccer electronic games; Tinkertoys; Lincoln logs; (3) ship & aircraft military model kits; small boys football pads; boxing gloves; Hot Wheels & Matchbox cars; Tootsie Toy cars; Disneyland pinball game; record players in case; original slinky; marbles; Murray pedal tractor; lots of cook books; oil lamps; Oneida & other baby spoons; lots of radios; new Bose CD-radio; jewelry; military uniforms; lots of pottery; Roseville jars, vase & basket; Hull cookie jar; Williamsburg pottery; Martinez Pottery; Fenton, Tiara & Imperial glass; St. Clair paper weights; Aladdin glass globe; Jim Shore figurines; lots of Fairmount, Elwood, Summitville memorabilia; Fairmount HS Quakers Sr. cords; hand carved buffalo horn; St. Clair; Griswold; Wagner; (2) Lawsons ½ gallon milk bottles; tin creamer; wood swan; copper kettle; scores of old games; like new ice skates; tools; old wood doors; lots of box lots; hundreds of other miscellaneous items.
Bidding Dates
Jan '20
10:00 AM
Indiana (East)