Auction Closed
Shaffer & Others Auction
Auction #218126
Shaffer & Others Auction Wed., June 22 – 5:00 p.m. 5243 S. Adams St., Marion, IN Quality Furniture – Appliances – Costume Jewelry – Primitives & Collectibles – Guns – Tools – L & G Items – Miscellaneous Large offering of top quality furniture – Living room suites, dining room suites, bedroom suites, large flat...
Wed, Jun, 22nd
11:59 PM
5243 S Adams Street
Marion, IN
Marion, IN
Shaffer & Others Auction
Wed., June 22 - 5:00 p.m.
5243 S. Adams St., Marion, IN
Quality Furniture - Appliances - Costume Jewelry - Primitives & Collectibles - Guns - Tools - L & G Items - Miscellaneous
Wed., June 22 - 5:00 p.m.
5243 S. Adams St., Marion, IN
Quality Furniture - Appliances - Costume Jewelry - Primitives & Collectibles - Guns - Tools - L & G Items - Miscellaneous
Large offering of top quality furniture - Living room suites, dining room suites, bedroom suites, large flat screen TVs, occasional chairs and miscellaneous furniture. Clean household items including small appliances and the usual miscellaneous. Blackstone grill & other outdoor items! There is a large offering of costume jewelry! Shotguns, police pistol, pellet guns, lots of collectible primitives and memorabilia items covering many local areas. Nice tool roller cabinets and chests, power and hand tools, lots of storage cabinets and racks. Hundreds of other quality clean items. If you are anxious to attend a well run auction with clean useful merchandise, you will not want to miss this auction! Food available!
Between Marion and Jonesboro on SR 15 (Adams Street)
Cash, Check With Photo ID (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex all 3% Adder) Debit Card
Cash, Check With Photo ID (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex all 3% Adder) Debit Card