Auction Closed
James & Delores Cawthorn Farm Equipment Auction
Auction #189650
James & Delores Cawthorn Farm Equipment Auction 1977 John Deere 4030 Diesel Tractor, SN 4030H0159242, WF, Quad Range, suitcase & rear weights, CAH, air not working; 1984 John Deere 6020 Diesel Combine, SN HO6620X600166, weights, CAH, nice combine; John Deere 215 15’ Grain Head, SN 279001H, flex cutter bar; John Deere 6-30 Corn Head, SN...
Sat, Jul, 24th
11:59 PM
2221 E 1750 N
Summitville, IN
Summitville, IN
James & Delores Cawthorn Farm Equipment Auction
1977 John Deere 4030 Diesel Tractor, SN 4030H0159242, WF, Quad Range, suitcase & rear weights, CAH, air not working; 1984 John Deere 6020 Diesel Combine, SN HO6620X600166, weights, CAH, nice combine; John Deere 215 15’ Grain Head, SN 279001H, flex cutter bar; John Deere 6-30 Corn Head, SN 466520, low profile; 1951 John Deere A, NF, hydraulics; John Deere 7000 6-30 Max-Emerge Planter, SN 08290A, herbicide; John Deere 5 Row splitter for the 6 row planter, creates 15” bean rows; Hinniker 24’ pull type hydraulic fold field cultivator, spike tooth drag; Remingler Harrow Cart, 24’ hydraulic fold single row rolling basket; John Deere 450 5-16 semi-mount high clarence plow, nice; (2) 4 bottom plows; (2) Kilbros. 350 bushel gravity wagons w/side extensions, HD gears, 20” tires, nice; IH pull type chisel plow, 10’; Taylor Way 12' pull type field cultivator w/spike tooth drag; Kewanee Model 430 6 row rotary hoe, 3 pt. Brillion culti-packer w/transport; culti-packer; John Deere 6-30 3pt. cultivator, rolling fenders; King-Cutter 6’ single spindle 3 pt. rotary mower; 3 pt. grader blade; IH 12' wheel disc; pull type dual tank sprayer, boom; David Bradley ground drive manure spreader; farm wagon w/sides; John Deere 317 lawn tractor 48” cut; saddle tanks; old hay rake iron wheels; log chains; wagon loads of farm miscellaneous.
Mr. Cawthorn has retired from farming and will sell his equipment at public auction.
Cash, Check w/Photo ID, (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex all 3% adder), Debit Card