Isolde F. Juarez Estate Auction
Real Estate & Personal Property Auction - Nice House - Large Garage - Paved Drive - Household - Tools - Lawn & Garden Items - Lots of Miscellaneous
Isolde Juarez Estate Auction
3237 Overman St., Marion, IN
Saturday, September 24 - 10:00 a.m.
Real Estate
Nice two bedroom, 2 car garage, additional 2 story built on, fenced yard, cement drive. Terms: 10% down at time of auction, balance at closing. Sale not contingent on financing so let us help you arrange financing if needed. Contact auctioneers 765-674-4818 for private showing and information.
Auto - Honda Cycles - Household - Collectibles - Tools
1993 Olds Cutlass Supreme SL, 92K miles, nice; 1972 Honda 300; Honda cycle, pre 1960; cycle trailer; 1932 Indian side car frame; cut glass; wall shelves; refrigerator; Harwick range w/top & bottom oven; microwave; Betty Crocker bread machine; crock pots; coffee pots; pans; teapots; utensils; sofa; chairs; recliner; hospital bed; hutch; maple table w/4 chairs; curio; floor lamp; washer; dryer; several storage cabinets; wood wardrobe; console TV; Zenith TV/VCR combo; Oreck XL sweeper; invalid items; metal two door w/glass cabinet; toaster oven; desk w/chair; lots of Kitten Companions collector plates; angel collections; bell collections; lots of clocks; lots of figurines; lots of Avon; candle collection; Jim Beam decanter collection; Furby's stuffed animals; dolls; old cameras & projectors; Germany tins; lots of Germany items; radio tubes & testers; Great American train set; lots of train items; model planes; wood lockers that came out of the Marion Post Office, neat; over 100 VHS movies; linens; bedding; old books; globe; JFK & RFK painting; Spanish portrait; Lifestyler treadmill; Healthmaster bike; AB Swing; ladders; shovels; all kinds of hand and power tools; Craftsman 4K watt generator; Lawn Boy mowers; Sears 40A battery charger; portable air compressor; Craftsman grinder; Master Mechanics tool chest; Yard Wagon-Barrow; vise; Kennedy tool chest; gas cans; hose; Ryobi cultivator; garden planter; Toro weed trimmer; B & D Workmate; Mechanic's manuals; hundreds of other items
Terms: Cash, Good Check w/ID, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, AMEX or bank debit card. A 3% convenience service fee for credit cards. Not responsible for accidents. Lunch by Monroe's.
Bidding Dates
Sep '11
10:00 AM
Indiana (East)